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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Brand new toy, Samsung Galaxy S3 + i9305 LTE + 2GB RAM = AMAZING! / Personal Review*

Just got my new phone 2 days ago and i must say that this is the best so far, the extra 1GB Ram has a great impact on the Android OS, the multitasking is finally what it should be and its more easy now to browse through apps.

Will post a complete review after i'll test it some more.

*Review update:

I was very excited when i realised that i have the possibility, in my country, to purchase a i9305 phone. So i went and got it right away, without studding even a bit the webz and get some info about available roms / mods for this model.

My head was stuck on the 2GB of ram, thinking that it will increase the phone's performance and stability, and i can easily say that it did just that. The multitasking was the first tested and it performed great, the apps are stuck in memory and they don't get trashed even when you open 15-20, you can also browse through the menus very fast and with no issues.
As far as multitasking performance goes, this model is well ahead the simple S3.

Usable RAM is about 1.77GB, i guess the rest is reserved for the OS, so you have plenty to support even the newest games, because here is where you can really test it. I played a few and was very satisfied with the overall feeling, some of them are more stable than on S3, meaning that the game is fluent and doesn't skip frames.
Games performance, again above the S3.

The real problem with this model is the lack of developers interested in it. Most of them still got the S3 and don't want to jump to this one with just a few months 'til the official release of the Galaxy S4 GT-i9500. There's only 1 custom kernel available, ONE! yes, you read it right :( and a handful of custom roms, which are nothing else that stock firmwares with removed bloatware and 3way reboot, things that you can easily do with TB by freezing the bloatware, so basically i'm fucked!

I am a big fan of the ParanoidAndroid project and i was very disappointed when i realized that i won't be able to use their roms anymore.

But maybe, just maybe, there is some hope for the i9305, just recently, the well known CyanogenMod coder, codeworkx, started to release some unofficial nighties for 4.2.2 based CM rom! This is a great news for me and for the entire i9305 community, having a lead developer of CM working for us, maybe it will make other join the revolution :)
The phone boots up and can be used... as a phone ;) the mic is working, 3g/4g working, wifi ok, shortly we will have a official CyanogenMod rom for the Samsung Galaxy S3 Gt-i9305

The final word is this: if you want great stability in games / multitasking and you also have 150+ apps in your phone, get the i9305, no doubt!
But, if you just want to browse the web, listen to some music and play Angry Birds, stick to the basic S3, a great phone that can still be used for many years to come!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Remove the Red ! Exclamation Mark (Line) from the boot screen of Samsung Galaxy S3 GT-i9300

It seems that with the arrival of the latest Jellybean firmwares for Samsung Galaxy S III, Samsung has also introduced a new bootloader that checks to see if the phone / system has been modified / rooted, if that is the case, every time you reboot your phone you'll notice a Red ! Exclamation mark in the upper left corner of your screen and the counter for the custom firmware will increase with +1 also.

This is not an concerning issue fol daily use, but if your phone still has warranty and you want to be prepared for sending it to repairs, you'll need to flash the Old Bootloader from ICS that will allow you to remove the Red ! Exclamation mark and reset the custom firmware counter back to zero with the help of the triangle /Away app.

For this operation to succeed, you will need the following:

Rooted Phone

Samsung USB Drivers v1.5.16.0: here (credits to SamHaLeKe)

Odin3 v3.07: here

Old Bootloader file: here

Follow these steps properly:

1. Boot your phone into Download Mode by simultaneously pressing the power button, home button and volume down key. Now you will see download mode and you will be asked if you want to cancel or continue. Press volume up to continue.

2. Open Odin on your PC and use the data cable to connect your phone, you should see a "Added" message that appears in the left text box.

3. Select the Old Bootloader file by pressing the PDA button (NOT Bootloader!) and navigating to its location.

4. Very Important = Be sure that the you don't touch anything else in Odin, just Auto Reboot and F.Reset Time should be checked by default, otherwise you check the corresponding boxes and leave everything else untouched!

5. Hit Start, it should take about 10 seconds, after that the phone will reboot and you can disconnect it, that's all, now you can use the Triangle Away app to reset your counter and remove the !.

Bonus: Get Triangle Away from here. The first time you use it, press "Reset flash counter" (it will not reset reset your counter automatically, you still have time to think), the phone will reboot into a special boot kernel mode and you will see some info on the screens, just follow those instructions to complete the process.


It seems that in the latest LLA build the old bootloader method doesn't work anymore!

will update this post with new info asap...

UPDATE 07/02/2013

It seems like the guys were hard at work and the finally got a new way to revert back to old ICS bootloader and this one is much simpler than the method above, BUT it only works if you already flashed the new XXELLA firmware that contains the new shitty locked bootloader! Don't try to flash this on top of previous firmware version, risk of bricking the device is very high!

So, here we go:

1. Download the ICS bootloader from here - mirror

2. Reboot into Recovery Mode by simultaneously pressing the power button, home button and volume up key.

3. Select the path of the ICS bootloader and flash it.

4. Reboot phone / done!

Now use Triangle Away to get rid of the fuckin' red ! exclamation sign and set counter to 0.

Be aware that if you continue to use a custom kernel / recovery, your counter will be set to 1 right after you reset it to 0 via Triangle Away, to permanently reset counter to 0 and keep the Official status, you need to flash a stock firmware!

More details on this method and how to keep counter to 0 can be found @xda.